Tag: knitting
Let’s pattern :: 16 novembre
Un giorno per sperimentare sul software Oknitme e utilizzare la macchina da maglieria con schede perforate customizzate.
Passa a trovarci alla Maker Faire a Roma / Come and visit Serpica at Maker Faire
Questa settimana (4-6 ottobre) siamo alla Maker Faire di Roma a presentare il progetto OKnitMe: Passa a trovarci per vedere la macchina da magliera e il software in azione! (puoi utilizzare questo voucher sconto. ————— This week from 4th to 6th of October we are Exhibitors at Maker Faire di Roma presenting and showing the…
OknitMe: create your punch-cards in a click!
[Leggi in italiano] Today we are launching a new project which has been keeping us busy during latest months. After we discovered our enthusiasm for punch-card knitting machine we realized something was missing: the possibility to create customized punch-cards starting from basic 2-color images. That’s how OKnitme was born. The Project Oknit.me is an open…